Debunking the Milady Maker Allegations
The allegations against Milady Maker's founder, Charlotte Fang are widely considered debunked and the project's activity has returned back to its original place.
In May 2022, a defamatory thread was written accusing Milady Maker lead Charlotte Fang and their team with a series of confusing and absurd allegations tied to their previous work, “Miya Black Hearted Cyber Angel Baby”. These allegations were made on hearsay without actual evidence, by a core team member of Milady Maker’s largest rival in an attempt to cancel Milady and crash its price.
The thread was heavily criticized by the Milady and wider crypto community, with all the proposed “victims” responding by speaking out against the cancellation and in defense of Charlotte. A week later, as a member of Remilia who has been present from the beginning, I compiled the criticisms into a megathread debunking each allegation point by point, including exposing the undisclosed interests of the accusers.
This debunking resulted in the price bouncing back and widespread calls for the return of Charlotte Fang, and Milady has continued on to new all time highs, yet we still see the old allegations uncritically cited by journalists who jumped on the initial drama and never corrected their reporting.
I’m republishing the debunking here where it can’t get taken down, re-organized with full documentation and backups of all evidence the allegations were not only meritless, but made in bad faith, including all the statements from the proposed “victims”.
Nearly all the initial accusers have retracted their allegations following the release of this article (e.g. Ratwell0x, Fiskantes, Soby). For example, the biggest accuser, Ratwell, issued this statement:
The original thread also received Community Notes pointing to this article. It’s safe to say Milady has beat the allegations. Feel free to share this article (available at to anyone accusing sweet and innocent Milady of heinous things.
Table of Contents:
Accusation: “Charlotte Fang secretly ran a Hate account”
Truth: Miya was satirical performance art
Truth: Miya project was collaboratively written
Truth: Miya was always an ‘open secret’ in the Milady community
Truth: Remilia Collective’s own membership, projects, statements and events contradict any “racist” or “transphobic” framing
Accusation: “The Hot Pot groupchat was grooming”
Zero basis for grooming accusations
Truth: No actual victim has ever been identified. All the random girls they’ve pointed out have said it’s not true
Truth: None of the women in the groupchat are underage
Truth: Hot Pot was always semi-public and well-known
Truth: Hot Pot logs were leaked and pored over and nothing confirming the allegations were found
Note on the Baseless Mara Barl Allegation
Accusation: “Kaliacc was an actually real pro-ana Cult”
Background on Kaliacc
Truth: The “Kaliacc cult” was obviously a troll
Truth: Anorexia never actually promoted
Truth: The single Kaliacc self-harm photo was faked
Accusation: “Charlotte led a Suicide Cult”
Truth: SystemSpace was just an ARG
Truth: Charlotte Fang's involvement in SystemSpace was minimal
Truth: Accuser was aware SystemSpace was innocuous
Closing Notes
Background on Tubby Cat Team
Undisclosed Financial Interest as Rivals
Coordinated promoting the cancellation in Crypto Twitter
Bad faith response to criticism
Background on Sunny/Kaliacc Accusers
History of rivalry
Faked self-harm allegation
Evidence of involvement
Statements on Hot Pot from Crypto Twitter influencers
Testimonies from the Framed “Victims”
Framed “Victims” being Silenced and Harassed
1. Accusation: “Charlotte Fang secretly ran a Hate account”
It was alleged that the team behind Milady Maker have demonstrated racist, transphobic, anti-semitic, etc. beliefs.
These allegations are tied to Charlotte Fang’s previous Miya project (2019-2020), ignoring that the project was at the time clearly presented as a performance that involved satire of right wing content, openly intended to be inflammatory for controversy, and not a sincere expression of personal beliefs; and far from secretive, it was very widely known and frequently cited including within the Milady community. One of its tweets are quoted in Remilia’s own manifesto.
Taking this commentary at face value is also what feeds most of the other rumors, so I’ll address it first.
1.a. Truth: Miya was satirical performance art
0xngmi and others tried to deny the project was satirical and presented out of context posts at face value, but there is ample evidence that the project was well understood and appreciated as performative in its time and in retrospect:
May 2020 interview on the version_4 podcast, the only interview taken while the account was still active, where it’s explicitly stated the account is performance art imitating schizophrenic aesthetics.
May 2022 interview with Charlotte Fang on a critical theorist Barrett Avner, unpacking the Miya project in retrospect.
May 2022 roundtable forum hosted by cultural theorist Justin Murphy, featuring members of the Milady community discussing the Miya project.
The accusers were happy to use various rumors discussed on 4chan and other imageboards after the fact for evidence, but the contemporaneous commentary from 4chan while the project was active again makes clear it was understood as a “LARP” (roleplay):
The performative methods employed on Miya are a clear predecessor to Milady Maker, which similarly encourages creative posting from a fictional persona by its community. This is likely why the Milady community who wasn’t familiar with the Miya project had little difficulty understanding it once it was brought into the conversation.
1.b. Truth: Miya was collaboratively written
Also like Milady, the Miya project was well-noted for its practice of post-authorship, sharing unattributed and collaboratively produced (or outright stolen) content, as described in Charlotte Fang’s Miya retrospective. Charlotte has also described the ghostwriting process on their own blog.
This collaborative nature is exemplified by Charlotte’s decision to not officially take credit for leading the project despite the open secret. Some have suggested ‘multiple authors’ wasn’t true, but the June 2021 interview on the Ket Patrol podcast features an individual speaking as Miya whose accent can be clearly recognized as someone other than Charlotte Fang, e.g. on their appearance as themself on Contain.
It is simply factually untrue to identify the project as the sincere journal of an individual, rather than a group performing a personified character.
1.c. Truth: Miya was always an ‘open secret’ in the Milady community
The accusers tried to frame the Miya project as some kind of skeleton in the closet hidden in Charlotte’s past. They pretended as if it took serious internet detective to discover these dark ties to Miya.
On the contrary, it was a widely known open secret that Charlotte was previously leading the Miya project, many of the fans of which made up the initial Milady community. As an example, Path.eth, considered one of the NFT space’s biggest influencers, can be seen describing his interest in Milady on a crypto podcast because it was by the same people behind Miya. This isn’t raised as some secret discovered through detective work, but just a known fact never officially advertised.
The accusers tried to convince people that there must be something bad hidden in Miya for Charlotte not to take credit for it and the clout that would come with such a notorious project. But besides its collaborative nature, anyone familiar with Remilia Collective’s work and artistic philosophy would recognize the tendency to compartmentalize projects and reject authorship over them.
And as has been pointed out, the confusion in interpreting Miya by people first discovering it during the cancellation demonstrates Charlotte was right to try to keep the projects separate: Milady is hard enough already for normies to accept, Miya violated many more shibboleths which makes it even more untenable for an uninitiated audience. There is no reason to force the two artistic projects to be paired together in criticism.
1.d. Truth: Remilia Collective’s own membership, projects, statements and events contradict the framing
It’s also simply in clear contradiction with Remilia’s own practices in action; Remilia Collective includes neurodivergent and POC members, and the Milady Maker events are often noted for their diversity (often to the lament of its detractors).
While the Miya project did engage and produce problematic content, it’s always been made clear it’s not a sincere expression of any member’s beliefs. This excerpt from Charlotte’s piece on Miya summarizes the sentiment well:
2. Accusation: “The Hot Pot groupchat was grooming”
Charlotte was also accused of either directly or indirectly enabling the grooming of women online via their twitter groupchat, Hot Pot.
This absurd accusation was made without any evidence. To date, no victims have ever come forward, and those that accusers have tried to have identified as potential examples of a victim have all clearly denied it. The accusers also have repeatedly misidentified adult women participating in the groupchat as under the age of 18 erroneously.
The accusations are especially absurd considering the group chat was very large, well-known and had many members over its existence and was generally open. This has been fully corroborated by all the testimonies confirming the chats’ civilness after the allegations came out. This groupchat was the only and primary place in which Remilia Collective members hung out as friends and organized projects together over the last few years.
2.a. Baseless Hot Pot Accusations
Hot Pot is the name of the Twitter groupchat that developed into Remilia Collective, well-known in the net art Twitter sphere as an originator of various memes and posting styles. For background, you can read a retrospective: A People’s History of Hot Pot.
2.a.i. Truth: No Victim has ever been identified
The accusers attempted to point to every women who ever participated past or present in the ~75 person groupchat as an example of a grooming victim, erroneously identifying them as underage.
These women were never approached for their side, but after being subject to exposure and harassment after being presented as victims, each of them have spoken out clearly stating nothing shady had happened and refuting the suggestion they have victimized.
An example is provided below, their numerous testimonies are archived in Appendix, 6.c.ii. Testimonies from the Framed “Victims”:
These women were still used as evidence in the cancel thread even after clearly requesting to have their names and likenesses removed. Instead, the accusers suppressed their testimonies, refusing to acknowledge and blocking them when they were shared in replies to reduce their visibility, documented in Appendix, 6.c.iii. Framed “Victims” being Silenced and Harassed.
Again, the accusations are made without a single actual victim ever identified. Their attempts have just resulted in the testimonies of many women affirming the lack of anything irresponsible occurring in the chat, all of which were swept under the rug by the accusers. The accusers choosing to respond by silencing the testimonies of these supposed “victims” is one of the clearest pieces of evidence the allegations were not made in good faith.
2.a.ii. Truth: None of the women in the groupchat are underage
Various women in the Hot Pot groupchat were erroneously identified as underage when they were being painted as victims. Again, in their testimonies it was also made clear that all the women in the Hot Pot groupchat were legal adults over the age of 18.
In the last year, there was a single underage girl that had joined the chat for a very short period, and she was quickly removed when her age was made known.
Not only was evidence provided that confirmed she was kicked when her age was discovered, she also released a statement making clear she was not victimized or treated weirdly in any way:
The accusers refused to acknowledge her statement or her request to not be framed as well. Again, their silencing approach to the women they tried to frame is documented in Appendix, 6.c.iii. “Victims” being Silenced and Harassed.
2.a.iii. Truth: Hot Pot was semi-public and well-known
A far cry from being some secretive, shady chat, Hot Pot was generally open and public, with many users passing through over the years. It remained at max user count for most of its time, with new members added often and inactive members kicked.
Accordingly, multiple respected accounts in Crypto Twitter also passed through it, such as Cryptopathic, twicrates and vers la lune. They made statements confirming nothing abnormal was ever witnessed, despite the risks to their reputation among the Crypto Twitter community leading the cancellation.
The statements are recorded in Appendix, 6.c.iii. Statements on Hot Pot from Crypto Twitter influencers, and were also entirely ignored by the accusers.
2.a.iv. Truth: Hot Pot logs were leaked and pored over and nothing confirming the allegations were found
Further, the groupchat had suffered from having one of its members hacked and the chat logs leaked by a rival art world team.
They had access for nearly 6 months, and strategically leaked anything that appeared damning out of context that they could find, but this almost exclusively consisted of banter making fun of peers in the space shared to damage relations. Besides crude humor, they also were also only able to confirm the open secret that Charlotte Fang had led the Miya project.
Again, the leaker had full access for nearly 6 months with a goal to release anything to undermine the group, with no hesitation to obscure context in bad faith, and they found no instances of indecency.
2.b. Note on Baseless Mara Barl Allegation
Another NFT artist close with the Tubby Cats team, Stella Belle, accused Charlotte Fang of grooming a trans artist in Remilia Collective, Mara Barl.
This accusation was made entirely based on a confused (or malicious) misreading of Mara's creative writing in a piece whose real content is supporting Charlotte after being cancelled for their association with them, “a love letter about charlotte fang being cancelled”.
No attempt was made to communicate with Mara before making the allegation on her behalf, and like all the other alleged victims, Mara has clearly denied they were victimized in any fashion and lamented being used for their defamation:
And yet, like all the other allegers discussed above, Stella Belle has refused to acknowledge Mara's own testimony or request to not be used as part of their narrative. Instead she used the faked story for clout and then sold NFTs off of it (with none of the profits offered to the supposed “victims”, of course).
Update: In the same pattern as the other allegers, Stellabelle os blocking anyone who shares this article or asks her to address the testimony from the “victim”, refusing to engage the debunking. She continues to try to gain attention and clout and monetize the slander.
3. Accusation: “Kaliacc was actually a real pro-ana cult”
A lot of confusion originates from the enigmatic “KALI/ACC” label, in part because it’s had many different definitions over its life, and partly because of lingering forum posts describing it a ‘pro-anorexia neonazi cult’. Anyone familiar with the group knows this was a troll, as the absurdity of the claim might have you suspect.
3.a. Background on Kaliacc
#KALIACC originated as a right-wing twitter ideology, before being co-opted by Miya and satirized in a series of trolling operations that tarnished its reputation, much to their dismay (explained in more detail in Appendix, 6.b. Background on Sunny/Kaliacc Accusers). From the New Models Y2K20 Glossary:
These controversy generating operations were common with Miya, and helped blow up the account into notoriety; everything from entering and winning an “E-Girl Tournament” while catfishing as a transgender to faking the over-the-counter sales of human blood for “rituals”.
These ops were often spontaneously organized by members of the community surrounding Miya, seeking whatever controversy opportunity presented itself, as the audience quickly clued in and participated.
This was done as practical demonstration of Miya’s “post-truth” stance:
The last and most infamous troll was presenting #KALIACC as an “neonazi anorexia cult”.
3.b. Truth: The “Kaliacc cult” was made up as a troll
The final troll with Kaliacc before the Miya project was closed was blowing up as a ‘pro-anorexia neonazi cult’.
This was done through a series of instagram accounts purporting to reveal the inside details of a cult that coached girls into anorexia over a 2 week expose that went viral among Instagram’s eating disorder community as they tried to piece together the pre-existing rabbithole around Kaliacc as a far-right ideology. Up until suddenly they suddenly rebranded as Kaliacc and announced it was a “sociological study”.
This was a clean conclusion at the time, people recognizing they got trolled by a non-existent cult. A public chatroom was created under the kaliacc name and shared on the troll account after-the-fact that people following the story joined, but anyone that entered saw there was no hierarchy or anything resembling a cult, and it was closed after a week.
Charlotte described this story on their blog post discussing the dynamics of the Miya project:
This was nearly 2 years ago and it wasn’t well archived, so people looking back to find information on it discover contemporaneous attempts to investigate the rabbit hole before the troll was revealed, not realizing shortly after it revealed to be faked.
But again, a cult never existed and so no actual victims have ever came forward, even after all this time, which should be evidence enough. The community server was left public in a frozen state for over a year after it was closed as well, so if there was anything going on, anyone would have been able to find it.
3.c. Truth: Anorexia was never actually promoted
Recognizing the “cult” was a troll, some have still felt it was dangerous because it still promoted pro-anorexia content that could lead to encouraging eating disorders.
However, any review of the actual content of their discourse would note that they didn’t actually promote anorexic habits. For example, the 18-23 BMI described here are the standard recommended health guidelines:
The account’s focus was on a healthier approach to achieving dietary goals that avoided the spirals that led people into anorexia. The main account’s Instagram stories are still up, you can verify it for yourself. A more comprehensive archive exists here. The worst that can be said is that it was openly fatphobic, on the basis that obesity is an epidemic and preventable disease.
3.d. Truth: The one Kaliacc Self-harm Photo was faked
One serious allegation regarding encouraging self-harm was unique in actually having an apparent piece of evidence (unlike all the other allegations made): a tweet in which a user drew or cut a swastika on their stomach and shared it with a caption advertising the kaliacc server. The allegation is the individual was groomed by members of the server convince him to self-harm in this way. However, this was quickly proven to be faked at the time it was originally posted.
It was caught because the account’s trail was still up when the tweet was made, and easily demonstrated that they were a member of a server of the original neonazis well-known at the time to be rivals of Miya, which they later since admitted to.
It was obviously an attempt to fake an allegation to damage Miya’s reputation in the space, but as the trail was caught, it failed to stick at the time; so instead they resorted to doxxing Charlotte, leading to them leaving the Miya project and rebranding under a new, untied account that would later become Charlotte Fang.
This group resurfaced when Milady was cancelled and Charlotte officially confirmed they had led the Miya project, and again tried to push the above narratives of grooming to justify spreading the doxx. They were more successful this time around since the crypto twitter individuals they were communicating through were not familiar with this history. Their involvement in spreading fake allegations is discussed in detail in Appendix, 6.b. Background on Sunny/Kaliacc Accusers.
These bad faith trolls also tried to share various other unrelated incidents of actual grooming (“Reiko”, “Trashman”, “Wil”), but without ever establishing any actual connection for any of them to Charlotte, Remilia, Milady or Hot Pot. This tactic of smear by association, confusing the reader by mixing unrelated genuinely bad things alongside the actually related content, is a common tool in this type of online “psyop” campaign.
4. Accusation: “Charlotte Fang ran a Suicide Cult”
0xngmi alleged Charlotte Fang previously ran a “suicide cult”, SystemSpace, and attributed a suicide associated with it as Charlotte’s responsibility.
The claim Charlotte founded SystemSpace, had any serious involvement in it, or had any involvement in any individual’s suicide is made with no evidence.
4.a. Truth: SystemSpace was just an ARG
SystemSpace was a fairly well-known ARG community inspired by the anime Serial Experiments Lain and the Matrix film series. It was founded and run by a Dutch teenager as an imageboard and Discord server for users creatively participating in the fictional lore.
Long defunct, it’s been the subject of “creepypasta” Youtuber conspiracy and other speculation, but it’s pretty clear it was just a roleplay server inspired by cyberpunk media.
However, one of the members of the 10,000+ member Discord server committed suicide at some point, which 0xngmi used to frame it as a suicide cult.
4.b. Truth: Charlotte Fang's involvement in SystemSpace was minimal
0xngmi found reference to the project in Miya tweets, and made a leap in logic that Charlotte founded and ran SystemSpace, and was thus responsible for that member's suicide.
Yet Charlotte had made clear in their previous commentary that their only involvement was joining their discord server with the goal of convincing a mod to delete all the channels of the server as a troll.
Charlotte was only ever in the community for those few months, which happened more than a year before the apparent suicide took place. This has been confirmed by SystemSpace community members who were present at the time. There is also no speculation Charlotte was in any way involved with the team behind SystemSpace.
4.c. Truth: Accuser was aware SystemSpace was innocuous
Further, leaked conversation between Charlotte and Ratwell, the co-writer of the cancel thread, show Ratwell suggesting collaborating on a SystemSpace inspired art project. In this conversation, Charlotte also repeats the extent of their involvement of SystemSpace being trolling the Discord server.
Not only does this corroborate with all public statements on their involvement and the confirmation of community members, but also demonstrates that the accusers were familiar with SystemSpace, seeing it as an aesthetic art project one could derive inspiration from, and not any actual scary cult as they presented it.
Yet they have refused to address this evidence or retract their accusation, a pattern we see repeated with their accusations. More details on their motivations and bad faith are documented in Appendix, 6.a. Background on Tubby Cat Team.
5. Closing Notes
Critics quickly came out to point out how hypocritical and disappointing it is for the Web3 space to throw out anti-censorship values to join forces with institutional gatekeeping. In the art world, this is only used to promote mediocrity and tear down tall poppies.
Ultimately, the only thing this cancellation really did accomplish is Charlotte officially confirming his role leading the Miya project. This was of course always an open secret, the writing and posting style is unmistakable, and fans of Miya formed the earliest, core community of Milady. Anyone can clearly recognize why Charlotte, who has always embraced psuedonymity, compartmentalization and post-authorship, would want to keep the projects separate, and it’s perfectly in their right.
Maybe civil, honest discourse is too much to expect of these influencers. Definitely too much to ask them to engage real art. But hopefully it's now clear they're not reliable arbiters of truth. Or morals: they clearly still don't care they’re harassing women and violating privacy.
Financially motivated crypto influencers were faced to understand highly transgressive art, with no art or theory education, responding with confused satanic panic and conflation with Milady, proved Charlotte right.
But one could just take one look at the outpouring of love Charlotte received in the replies of their thread officially confirming they lead the Miya project and deciding to step down to avoid its problematic content being associated with Milady.
Is this expected reaction for someone supposed to have been caught being toxic or a "groomer"? Or just real fans who recognized the project as the important historical work it was, from a beloved creator in the space?
Milady’s floor price and activity returned to its old place in short time after the cancellation thread went viral.
As the days went on and not a single victim or shred of evidence were produced by the accusers, and how the leaders of the cancel completely refused to engage their critics or any counter-evidence, it became obvious just how bad faith they were acting. Unfortunately, media gets a better story repeating controversy and accusations than they do reporting its debunking, which is why I chose to revisit my Twitter thread and turn it into this essay. Hopefully it will be shared anywhere the fully disproven allegations are brought back up again uncritically.
6. Appendix
6.a. Background on Tubby Cats Team
The biggest allegations came from a series of threads made by 0xngmi, one of which succeeded in going viral and became cited by journalists. There is ample evidence that this effort was coordinated in bad faith motivated by financial and personal interests.
6.a.i. Undisclosed Financial Interest as Rivals
0xngmi entirely failed to disclose he was a paid developer for the Tubby Cats NFT project, a well known rival to Milady Maker—the Tubby Cat team were notorious for seething over Milady's runaway success while their own floor has tanked, especially after they lost the FloorDAO war.
In fact, when his status on the core team was pointed out, both 0xngmi and Tubby Cats founder, Ratwell, attempted to lie and downplay the relationship. They suggested 0xngmi was minimal, despite being listed on the top of the main site.
The Tubby Cats founder, Ratwell, was also extremely vocal about taking the opportunity to take Milady Maker out of its teams hands:
As was widely pointed out by the Milady community, the only thing his proposal would accomplish is forever killing his competition by removing its team.
6.a.ii. Coordinated Promotion of the Cancel
@0xngmi made multiple threads attempting to make the cancel go viral until finally succeeding with his megathread. These were each immediately lept on and heavily promoted by a set of Crypo influencers who were all financially tied to Tubby Cats:
@ratwell0x (Tubby Cats founder)
@Tetranode (Ratwell patron)
@basedkarbon (Tubby Cats whale)
@Leigence (Tubby Cats whale)
Some examples:
While one can assume many people could get fooled by the sensationalism of the allegations, it was highly suspicious how coordinated and consistent their initial attempts to go viral were.
6.a.iii. Bad faith response to criticism
0xngmi and Ratwell’s responses to the criticism of his thread also demonstrated they were acting clearly in bad faith.
Instead of responding to the many valid criticisms and counter-evidence made against their accusations, they engaged in blocking any accounts that criticized them, including large accounts well known in the Crypto Twitter space:
They also blocked anyone wearing a Milady avatar, and instead of engaging individuals directly, with sincerity, they dismissed everyone with vague and illogical subtweets, such as this one saying that Miladies argue in bad faith because they address individual points piece by piece:
It was also noted in the 4.c. The Accusers knew SystemSpace was Innocuous that a leaked conversation made it clear Ratwell was fully familiar with SystemSpace as a harmless roleplaying ARG:
Like all the other counter-evidence, 0xngmi never addressed this and continued to push a narrative of a suicide:
They also of course have refused to address the counter testimonies from the women they frame as victims, and have ignored their requests for their likeness to be removed from their expose; probably the most damning evidence of bad faith for anyone pretending to care about victims.
They have instead led these women to be the target of harassment and ignored their requests for privacy. This is documented comprehensively in Appendix, 6.c.iii. Framed “Victims” being Silenced and Harassed.
As an aside, some months after the cancel the leaders of the project would later get caught for stealing 75 ETH (About $150,000 USD) from the Tubby Cats’ treasury. killing Tubby Cats for good and ruining their reputation in the space.
6.b. Background on Sunny/Kaliacc Disinformationalists
If you're learning about kaliacc for the first time in this cancel, you probably haven't heard that #KALIACC originated from Sunny, a twitter personality who originally developed kaliacc as a serious right wing ideology, which Miya co-opted.
From the New Models Y2K20 Glossary:
6.b.i. History of Rivalry
Sunny (also known as natsu/kyouka/ariosophy) was an anti-crypto ex-transgender neonazi that came out of Discord troll groups, and his circle had long hated Miya after it co-opted their #KALIACC brand on Twitter.
They intended “#KALIACC” to be a reading club for fascist literature, but Miya took over the hashtag and turned it into a satirical ideology and later memed it into a fake cult.
They were livid, and responded by inventing the grooming rumor, and further, obtained and released Charlotte’s dox.
Their organization is unclear now, as during the attack on Milady, their leader announced they were leaving the internet, in an apology that both disavowed them and admitted the rumors were fabricated:
Without leadership, they frequently splinter and in-fight between themselves and their various servers, but their fingerprints were all over the psyop alts fueling confusion here.
6.b.ii. Faked Self-Harm allegation
Discussed in 2.c. Faked Kaliacc Self-Harm allegation, the circle was responsible for trying to fake a grooming rumor against Miya when they initially co-opted the #KALIACC brand.
Reposting the section here:
An older allegation tied to the Miya project dates back to 2020 related to a tweet in which a user drew or cut a swastika on their stomach and shared it with a caption advertising a server that was at the time managed by Charlotte. The allegation is that Charlotte groomed the individual to convince him to self-harm in this way.
However, the account’s trail was still up when the tweet was made, and they were caught being an active member of Sunny’s server, well-known at the time to be rivals of the Miya project.
As it was obviously an attempt to fake an allegation to damage the Miya project’s reputation in the space, the rumor failed to stick at the time. The falsehood had since been admitted in various places by their members.
However, Charlotte’s doxx was later obtained by the group, and the threat of posting it was used to push them offline.
With Charlotte offline, the group did try to take the opportunity to try and spread rumors of grooming once again, but the advertised Kaliacc server had always been fully public, and was left up in a frozen state for nearly year to make sure it was fully clear nothing inappropriate took place. A $40,000 bounty for evidence of grooming was even offered that was left totally unclaimed:
Like all their previous attempts, no evidence ever turned up and the allegations failed to stick.
Charlotte moved on, closed the Miya project accounts and stopped engaging in the right-wing spaces, but the group apparently never lost interest in their vendetta and were upset to learn about their latest success in the crypto space with Milady.
6.b.iii. Evidence of Involvement
Sunny’s kaliacc circle were adept Discord and Twitter trolls, and a series of burner accounts with matching M.O.’s popped up when the cancel dropped that could be identified by their specific vendetta against Miya and support of the “real” kaliacc.
These accounts were used to share Charlotte’s dox in a shock & awe disinformation campaign, spamming grotesque content of unrelated abuse (often incidents from their own circle) alongside Miya content under people’s replies to try and associate them together, knowing they couldn’t be engaged without propagating the dox.
It further became clear they were seeding heavy amounts of disinformation in DM's, fueling the conviction of the easily fooled CT influencers who would frequently reference "anonymous sources I can't reveal because they're afraid".
This is a classic disinformation technique, as pretending to be scared victims in private makes it impossible to apply any standard of evidence and leaves no opportunity for the accused to refute the claims.
However, every time the DMs were shared, it was obvious they were being trolled:
It’s pretty clear the same players and M.O. were at play resurfacing these grooming allegations, with the same pattern of no actual victims or evidence being provided to substantiate the rumors originating from burner accounts.
It's sickly ironic that the cancel was being fed by actual neonazis and groomers (their servers infamously require showing a photo you have blue eyes to join, and are often embroiled with grooming incidents not relevant to cover here), but it just goes to show those cancelling Milady were looking for any ammunition at all, no matter how dubious their sources.
6.c. Testimonies
6.c.i. Statements on Hot Pot/Miya from Crypto Twitter influencers
As noted above, Hot Pot was a very public chat with a lot of people passing through, making the accusations all the more absurd. When the cancel happened, multiple crypto influencers came out saying they were present and saw nothing inappropriate:
6.c.ii. Testimonies from the Framed “Victims”
Most of these testimonies were produced inadvertently after the various women whose posting history identified them as Hot Pot members were harassed to make statements they were groomed. Unfortunately for the accusers, every woman targeted made clear nothing inappropriate happened, even those who were no longer members of the chat.
6.c.iii. Framed “Victims” being Silenced and Harassed
Despite their testimonies, they were still used as victims in the cancel thread, including having their photos and information shared without permission, and any attempts they made to stop being included as evidence were ignored.